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FAQ - Detectors

6. How does the IR100 detector work?

The Monicon IR100 Detector is an advanced NDIR (Non Dispersive Infra Red) detector incorporating a pulsed emitter, dual filters and dual detectors. This provides accurate and selective measurement of the gas being monitored.

The technology is based on the measurement of the adsorption of infrared energy as it passes through a gas sample. Different gases have clearly defined absorption characteristics, their concentration can be determined by their absorption of infrared radiation at the wavelength determined by a narrow-band optical filter.

To compensate for interfering factors (e.g. pressure, temperature, humidity variation, etc.) a second narrow-band filter isolates another wavelength which is used to measure the total transmission through the system and is not affected by the gas being monitored. By comparing the infrared energy reaching each of the two detectors, the concentration of the gas sample can be determined. A CPU processes and linearises these two signals and an analogue output signal is generated by a DAC, proportional to the gas concentration.

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