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FAQ - Detectors

3. What substances will poison the CGS500 sensors?

The main poisons for all thermocatalytic sensors are substances containing silicones, sulphurs, phosphurs and lead. However, there may also be other substances that will have an adverse effect on thermocatalytic sensors and your local Monicon distributor should be contacted if in doubt.

In addition to poisons, there are also substances known as "inhibitors". Inhibitors will not permanently damage the sensor but it will prevent the sensor from detecting combustible gases if an inhibitor is present. The most commonly encountered inhibitors are halocarbons such as freon or halon.

If there is a likelyhood that there may be traces of poisons or inhibitors in the atmosphere to be monitored, we recommend that the Monicon CGS500-300P "Poison Resistant" sensor is used. This sensor is much better able to resist the effects of poisons and inhibitors in the atmosphere.

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